
Vorlesung Nanotechnologie

Die Vorlesung Nanotechnologie findet im WS statt.

Aktuelle Klausurtermine

Halbleiterelektronik I 20.02.2019 9 - 11 Uhr H-C 3303
Halbleiterelektronik II 11.02.2019 9 - 11 Uhr H-C 3303
Mikroelektronik I 22.02.2019 9 - 11 Uhr H-C 3309
Mikroelektronik II 12.02.2019 9 - 11 Uhr H-C 3309
Halbleiter- und Schaltungstechnik 25.02.2019

8 - 11 Uhr

H-C 3309

Nanotechnologie (ETI) 01.03.2019

9-11 Uhr

H-C 6321

Nanotechnology (Nanoscience MSc) 06.02.2019

14-16 Uhr

ENC-D 114

Nanotechnology (Nanoscience MSc) 27.03.2019

13-15 Uhr

ENC-D 114

Nanoelectronic Dev. (Nanoscience MSc) 29.03.2019

13-15 Uhr

H-E 308


Aktuelle Klausurtermine

  Datum Uhrzeit   Raum
Halbleiter- und Schaltungtechnik 07.03.2022 15 - 19 Uhr   ZOOM
Nanotechnology (1. Date) 10.02.2022 15 - 18 Uhr   ZOOM
Nanotechnology (2. Date) 18.03.2022 10 - 13 Uhr   ZOOM


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Manuskript in Journal Nanoscale veröffentlicht

Manuskript „Flexible hybrid graphene/a-Si:H multispectral photodetectors“ in Journal Nanoscale veröffentlicht. Schneider, D. S.; Bablich, A.; Lemme, M. C. Nanoscale 2017, 9 (25), 8573–8579.


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Manuskript für Fachzeitschrift Nanoscale angenommen

Manuskript „Flexible Hybrid Graphene / a-Si:H Multispectral Photodetectors” von D. S. Schneider, A. Bablich und M. C. Lemme in Fachzeitschrift Nanoscale angenommen (to be published).

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Two Papers about CVD graphene published

Recently, two papers have been published by our group regarding the technology of chemical vapor deposited graphene.

The first paper titled “Self-organized growth of graphene nanomesh with increased gas sensitivity” was published in the August edition of the journal “Nanoscale”. The paper discusses the self-organized growth of graphene nanomeshes and their applicability as gas sensors. It was published as the result of a collaboration between the University of Siegen and Infineon Technologies AG, Regensburg, Germany: A bottom-up chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process for the growth of graphene nanomesh films is demonstrated. The process relies on silicon nanospheres to block nucleation sites for graphene CVD on copper substrates. This new method for nano-patterned graphene is scalable, inexpensive and can be carried out in standard semiconductor industry equipment. Furthermore, the substrates are reusable. The paper can be found here.


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