Group of Graphene-based Nanotechnology
The Group of Graphene-based Nanotechnology investigates electronic, optoelectronic and nanoelectromechanic devices made from graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials.
Integrated devices are at the core of the research, which is mainly of experimental nature. Aspects of process technology and process integration complement the activities.
In addition to the proof-of-concept of novel devices, we collaborate with industry and the circuit design community to address questions of manufacturability and system compatibility of the new materials and devices.

The GNT group is a member of the SINANO Institute, a non profit Association established as a durable EU Network of researchers in order to form a distributed Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics. The SINANO Institute comprises of 23 members from 12 European countries. Prof Lemme is a member of the Governing Board of the SINANO Institute.
The GNT Group is a member of the Micro, Nano, Materials and Photonics (NMWP) e.V., an association of stakeholder in industry and academia in North-Rhine Westphalia in the key enabling technologies
- Nanotechnology
- Microtechnoogy
- Materials
- Photonics
The association has approximately 80 members. Prof. Lemme is a member of the Board of NMWP e.V..